Welcome to the family Gina! |
Last month, my family added another member when we adopted Gina the greyhound.
Gina is delightful. She is affectionate and gentle, and remarkably patient with our cats. There had been a hole in our lives ever since we lost
Zoe to cancer last year, and it's comforting to have a dog with us again.
Predictably, greyhound breeders responded to this happy event with bitterness and hostility. As soon as it was publicly announced that we had adopted her, several dog track promoters began trying to figure out what Gina's racing name was, so they could attempt to remove her. According to greyhound trainer
Chris Grieb:
"I've been relentlessly searching for possibilities on her identity. I'll worry about what to do with that information once it's obtained."
Meanwhile, after another dog track supporter suggested taking a "
visit" to our office, Beverly Stahlgren Schrecongost wrote that someone should
forcibly abduct Gina:
"Then grab her and run like hell!!!"
That message was followed by a joke about a "
get away car." Meanwhile, Daytona Kennel Club worker Connie Winkler suggested that Gina's former racing owner should try to remove her from our family by
falsely claiming she was stolen.
As usual, the
most disturbing comment was made by former National Greyhound Association official Craig Randle, who again referred to the
near fatal accident GREY2K USA President Christine Dorchak suffered in 1992:
"Is that dog trolley TRAINed?"
This bizarre death wish was
echoed by Bruce Walters, who mistakenly referred to Gina as "Ginger:"
"30 days before Ginger decides she wants to jump in front of a moving vehicle."
For years, we have made it clear that our opposition to greyhound racing is not about individual industry members, or specific acts of animal cruelty. Like every other
mainstream animal protection organization, we are opposed to commercial dog racing because the industry uses standard practices that are
cruel and inhumane. This is still our position.
At the same time, it's now obvious that the last vestiges of this failed industry have become a
safe haven for the most vile, hateful rhetoric. These racing promoters cannot police themselves, and are showing the world who they really are: a handful of
bitter, petty people who are fighting tooth and nail to preserve an industry that
harms dogs.