Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Progress in Our Fight to End Dog Racing in Macau

Greyhounds at the Canidrome, 2011.
Last week, we learned that our campaign to end greyhound racing at the Macau Canidrome has taken a major step forward. In a filing with the New South Wales government, Australian dog racing officials indicated that greyhound passports to Macau are now banned.  According to Greyhound Racing New South Wales:

"GRNSW does not support the export of greyhounds to any country that do not meet contemporary animal welfare standards ... and supports the decision of Greyhounds Australasia to suspend the issuing of 'greyhound passports' to Macau in March 2013. That suspension still exists."
Since this ban has been in effect, the number of greyhounds exported to Macau has significantly dropped. More importantly, this development should send a powerful message to the Macau government that the track is not viable.

Unfortunately, greyhounds are still being shipped to Macau by individuals who are flouting the industry imposed ban on exports. This proves that the Australian dog racing industry is incapable of regulating itself, and further change is needed.

The Canidrome is now completely isolated. Animal protection groups from across the world have called on the government to close the track, because of  policies that are cruel and inhumane. Now the Canidrome has been rejected by the dog racing industry itself, a sure sign that the end is near for this death track.

The Canidrome sits on property that is owned by Macau, and its land lease expires at the end of 2015. The lease should be allowed to end, finally closing a sad chapter in Macau's history.


  1. The time is running out for these owners an trainers. We (the Jedlicka Family) would like to say Thank You to the New South Wale's Government in putting a ban on the the Greyhound Passports to the Macau Race Track. An in knowing that this is one more final step in ending Greyhound Racing.

  2. End this now. its murder and its wrong

  3. The 'people' connected w/this industry, those who make their living off of it, need to find another way of earning $$$, period. They should be ashamed. I hope this campaign succeeds -- the SOONER, the BETTER!!! TU ALL for your hard work. BLC

  4. This is a promising step from the NSW Government, many people have been lobbying for years for this to stop. Is Australia exporting Greyhounds to other Asian countries such as Vietnam? I would like to know if we have stopped one exit but have left others open.Until Greyhound racing is totally phased out in Australia, and that is going to be a huge battle, we will have to keep lobbying and making our voices heard. BAN GREYHOUND RACING & EXPORTING.

  5. Il faudrait qu'ils interdissent la chasse en l'Espagne avec ces lévriers qui sont tués torturés pendus si s'avère qu'ils ne chassent pas bien ..
